ITS D-MAVT information brochure
- ITS D-MAVT brochure (PDF, 773 KB)
ITS general information brochures
- “Orientation Day/ETH Start Publication” / IT Services for ETH (PDF, 431 KB)
- ITS Brochure for Employees “IT Services” (PDF, 260 KB)
- ITS Brochure for Students “IT Student Services” (PDF, 126 KB)
- Leaving ETH: Important Information (PDF, 286 KB)
- Flyer ITS MMS Event support services (PDF, 286 KB)
- safeIT – Awareness Program (PDF, 255 KB)
- ITS Newsletter inside|out issues
Legal documents for IT users at ETH Zurich:
- Standards for Responsibilities and System Maintenance
- BOT Acceptable Use Policy for Telematics Resources
- BOT Information Leaflet for Employees
- BOT Information Leaflet for Students
- Directive for the release of IT-resources
- Leaflet Case Example Cloud Computing
- Software and Licenses (General Information)
- Spin-off Guidelines of ETH Zurich (Infrastructure, Communication and IT Services